Sign the petition | I Support Building Affordable Housing in my neighborhood
Woman in garden

The Future of the Bay Area is Up to Us

Join the Movement

Add your name to receive simple steps you can take in your community to create a more livable and affordable Bay Area for all.

We’re neighbors from every corner of the Bay Area.

We’re joining together to make the Bay Area a place where everyone has a safe place to call home — no matter what we look like, how much we earn, or where we lay our heads down to sleep.

Learn More About Us

a person with megaphone
a person and child sitting on a blanket reading a book
a person holding a sign

We’re unlocking a new future.

The only impossible problem is the one we don’t try to solve. It’s up to us to create a more livable and affordable Bay Area where we can all thrive. Here’s how we can achieve housing justice.

Hero image: NPH
Row of images: ACCE (left), All Home (center), NPH (right)