Meet the organizers working to protect tenants in Antioch

For months, Antioch residents rallied to hold the Antioch City Council to their word to pass a Just-Cause Eviction Ordinance and protect renters from unnecessary no-fault evictions for profit.

"There's power in numbers."

Learn how Nicole Arrington and Antioch residents took action against unfair evictions and showed their strength in numbers.

Tenants shared stories of their personal experiences, as well as how the passage of this ordinance would benefit their lives, and urged the City Council to pass the ordinance. Antioch has already passed rent control and tenant anti-harassment protections, the Just-Cause Eviction Ordinance takes us one step closer to the future we’re aspiring to.

"We know that our voices matter."

Rocheall Pierre is one of the many tenants who have joined together to advocate for renter protections in Antioch.

"I believe that we can win here."

Housing justice advocate Melvin Willis shows what we can achieve when we come together for housing solutions in Antioch and beyond.

We’re unlocking a new future.

Learn more about what housing justice looks like in the Bay Area and how we can work together to achieve a future where no one is left behind.

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