Get your sticker: Our future begins with affordable housing

We want a Bay Area where everyone has a safe place to call home. Sign up if you’re ready to show your support for building more affordable housing

When we join together — no matter what we look like, how much we earn, or where we sleep at night — we can build a new future for the Bay Area.

In our Bay Area, we believe that everyone should have a safe place to call home.

But not enough of us are raising our voices. Which means other people are filling the silence — and blocking progress.

Something needs to change — and it’s up to us. This Affordable Housing Month, we’re taking action to show that neighbors from every corner of the Bay Area are ready to fight for a better and more affordable future where no one is left behind.

When you sign the petition, you’ll receive a sticker you can use to show your support, so we can make our demands visible everywhere. You’ll also be joining a movement of neighbors and advocates led by grassroots organizations working to build more affordable housing, keep renters in their homes, and stop homelessness before it happens.

Together, we can build a Bay Area where everyone can thrive. Our future, our Bay Area, begins with home.

To:  My neighbors in the Bay Area

From:  Begins with Home Supporter

It’s time to think big and imagine a bold future where everyone in the Bay Area has a safe place to call home.

I’m raising my voice along with neighbors across the Bay Area to demand that every city, and every community, invest in proven affordable housing solutions that match the scale of the challenge.

Together, we can build a future for the Bay Area rooted in justice, community, and possibility — for all of us.